Hello Jerusalem!

Hello Jerusalem!
This is the view from our patio!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Med - Red - Dead Seas anyone?

I love that that names of these bodies of water rhyme! I've been excited to write this blog post for that reason alone! ha ha

I've visited the Med[iterranean] Sea a couple of times now, which is pretty exciting. My birthday post has a picture of me in front of the Med Sea, but during our Galilee trip, we visited the Mediterranean Sea several times (Acco, Haifa, Caesarea Philippi). The day this picture was taken, we were in Acco and it was windy!

The Sunday after we got back from Galilee, we went to Eilat, which is on the shore of the Red Sea. It was a fun day of snorkeling and sunbathing. I loved it! I've never been snorkeling before, so I was a little nervous, BUT I LOVED IT! The water was just the right temperature, and I got to see some amazing coral and fish. I would love to go snorkeling more when I get back home. (I'll definitely have to find somewhere exotic/islandy because Montana and Utah aren't exactly coral-filled! ha ha)

The Dead Sea was our last aquatic adventure. We went there this last Sunday and spent less than two hours there. We had a whole day of field tripping before we made it to the Dead Sea. We were all exhausted by the end, but so excited to float in the Dead Sea! As we walked into the water, we could sea salt covering the rocks so that they were white! I had my sandals on, so I couldn't feel it, but the girl next to me wasn't wearing shoes and she said it hurt to walk on them! Here's my best explanation for what floating in the Dead Sea is like: it's similar to having a couple of water noodles underneath you at all times. You just float. It is the craziest feeling. You don't have to try to stay above water at all! (Now that's what I'm talking about.) It was painfully salty though (literally). If you had any cuts or scrapes they stung like crazy. If you tasted even a drop of the water, your face puckered up and you wanted to gag, and if it got in your eyes you were rendered blind and ended up crying for about five mintues. Don't worry, none of these things happened to me, but I witnessed it, and it looked painful!
Getting out of the water was cool too. As the wind dried you off, you could see the salt covering your body! I couldn't stop looking at my arms and legs! It was crazy!

Yup. The Med - Red - and Dead Seas were amazing!

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