Everyone had the opportunity to sling rocks into a field using the same sort of sling (and the same kind of rocks!) that David would have used when he killed Goliath. My roommate Addie took these pictures and caught some excellent candid shots. I figured you might enjoy them.
On a spiritual note, one of our professors, Brother Chadwick, told us the story of David and Goliath and he pointed out that when David prepared to go against Goliath, he went down to the stream and gathered five round stones. David was confident enough that he would kill Goliath within five tries. Why was he confident? Because he knew he had the help of the Lord. On the same line, David chose his stones well. He made sure that the stones were about the size of a golf ball and fairly round. This assured that the stones would go where he wanted them to go. In applying this to our life, are we choosing our weapons (against Satan) well? Are we reading the scriptures and praying? Are we surrounding ourselves with good friends? We need to prepare to go against Satan just as David prepared to go against Goliath, and we will be blessed to come out conqueror.
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